Mathematics & Mechanics Faculty Building

General Information

The Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics together with scientific institutions which are the parts of the Faculty is one of the largest Mathematical Center in the world. In addition to the faculty itself, the structure includes Research Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics, Computer Center and Astronomy Observatory.
For many years the Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics attracts the most serious and capable people who are interested in mathematics and provides an excellent education. St. Petersburg State University posesses one of the largest scientific libraries in Russia - Maxim Gorky scientific library, having about 7 million books. The library has branches at every faculty of University. The Library of Mathematics and Mechanics Faculty serves the students, lecturers, professors and researchers.

Dean's Office

Address: Universitetsky prospekt, 28, 198504, Peterhof, St. Petersburg, Russia.
Phone: (812) 428-4210    Fax: (812) 428-6944

Acting Dean of the Faculty: professor Aleksander I. Razov.