Preparation and Submission of Manuscripts for EDBT

For ICDT submissions please refer to formatting instructions on the ICDT call for papers. The instructions below are applicable to EDBT submissions only.

It is the author’s responsibility to make the submitted paper readable, relevant, and interesting, before submission and consideration by referees. This requirement includes legibility of diagrams and quality of English.

Length: All submitted papers must be formatted according to the instructions below, and must be no more than 12 (twelve) pages for research papers, and 4 (four) pages for demo and industrial papers. This page limit includes all parts of the paper: title, abstract, body, bibliography, and appendices.

File type: Papers are to be submitted as a single PDF file and no more than 5MB in file size (Larger files will be rejected by the submission site). It is essential that submitted papers print without difficulty on a variety of printers, using Adobe Acrobat Reader. It is the absolute responsibility of the authors to ensure that their submitted PDF file will print easily on simple default configurations.

Formatting: Papers must use the ACM proceedings format, using one of the templates listed at the ACM SIG Proceedings Templates web site ( http://www.acm.org/sigs/publications/proceedings-templates). It is not permissible under any circumstance to change the template’s font size, margins, intercolumn spacing, or line spacing. Templates are available in Word, WordPerfect, and LaTeX (versions 2.09 and 2e). For the LaTeX formats, you may use either the standard style or the SIG-alternate style.

Note: Although the ACM templates include headings for “Categories and Subject Descriptors”, “General Terms”, and “Keywords”, these are not used by EDBT and can be omitted from your submitted paper.

Any submitted paper violating the length, file type, or formatting requirements will be rejected without review.

Additional recommendations may be available in the "call for papers."

the abstracts in plain text and full papers in PDF must be uploaded to the review system.

EDBT research/demo/industrial paper submission system
