ICDT Camera-Ready Instructions

Thank you and congratulations for your accepted paper at ICDT 2009. To make sure your publication gets appropriately published at the ACM Digital Library, we have collected some information to prepare the camera-ready version of your paper. Please read them carefully.

Submission Deadline

Make sure you submit your paper to the ICDT 2009 Proceedings Builder no later than December 15, 2008. Also, don't forget to return the copyright form until then.

Submission Format

Papers must be submitted in PDF format and according to the ACM proceedings format. Templates to prepare your submission can be found on the ACM SIG Proceedings templates website. It is not permissible under any circumstance to change the template's font size, margins, intercolumn spacing, or line spacing. Templates are available in Word, WordPerfect, and LaTeX (versions 2.09 and 2e). For the LaTeX formats, you may use either the standard style or the SIG-alternate style.

Paper length

There is no formal page limit for papers accepted to ICDT 2009 (part of the reason is that proceedings will be electronic only).

We ask authors to publish a paper that corresponds to the content that was submitted to the ICDT review process, with modifications as suggested in individual reviewer comments. Please be reminded that there will be invitations for extended papers to appear as journal publications. Such extended papers will have to have an appropriate amount of new material over the work published in the ICDT proceedings (it may be wise to keep some material in reserve for that).

Page format

Please make sure your paper uses the US Letter format (8? ? 11 inches).

Page numbers, etc.

Make sure that your paper does not contain page numbers. Page numbers will be automatically inserted by our publisher, ACM.

ACM copyright statement

You must include the ACM copyright statement on the first page of your paper, as follows:

Permission to copy without fee all or part of this material is granted provided that the copies are not made or distributed for direct commercial advantage, the ACM copyright notice and the title of the publication and its date appear, and notice is given that copying is by permission of the ACM. To copy otherwise, or to republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires a fee and/or special permissions from the publisher, ACM.
ICDT'09, March 23-25, 2009, Saint Petersburg, Russia.
Copyright 2009 ACM 978-1-60558-423-2/09/0003 ...$5.00.

LaTeX users can generate this statement by adding the commands

\toappear{Permission to copy without fee all or part of this material
  is granted provided that the copies are not made or distributed for
  direct commercial advantage, the ACM copyright notice and the title of
  the publication and its date appear, and notice is given that copying
  is by permission of the ACM.  To copy otherwise, or to republish, to
  post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires a fee and/or
  special permissions from the publisher, ACM. \par
  {\confname ICDT 2009}, March 23--25, 2009, Saint Petersburg, Russia.\par
  Copyright 2009 ACM 978-1-60558-423-2/09/0003\ ...\$5.00}

to the prolog section of their .tex documents (before the \maketitle command).

Fonts and figures

Be sure that all fonts used in your paper are embedded in the submitted PDF file. Use Type 1 fonts (scalable), not Type 3 (bitmapped).

We suggest representing your figures as vector graphics. They allow for arbitrary scaling and print out best. If you have to use bitmap formats, please prefer lossless data formats (e.g., PNG, TIFF) over lossy compression formats. JPEG graphics in particular tend to look poorly and should be avoided.

If you include colored figures in your paper, please be aware that it will often be printed on black&white printers and, hence, should be comprehensible also without color information. Also note that thin lines or gray shadings may appear differently on your reader's printers.


You will also have to upload an ASCII version of the abstract of your paper. To ensure your abstract is reproduced properly, do not use LaTeX or other markup in your abstract. Further, please use the Proceedings Builder platform to check whether special characters or symbols appear correctly.

Submission Process

Each author will shortly receive an email with individual login information to the ICDT 2009 Proceedings Builder website. After logging in, you can/must

The deadline to submit all information is December 15, 2008.

Getting Help

Please contact the ICDT 2009 Proceedings Chair, Jens Teubner, timely for questions you may have during the preparation of your paper's camera-ready version.