ISSN 1817-2172, рег. Эл. № ФС77-39410, ВАК

Differential Equations and Control Processes
(Differencialnie Uravnenia i Protsesy Upravlenia)

Teaching to Design and Using Software Products: on Common Aspects of the Educational Attainment of Mathematicians and Teachers


S. M. Abramovich

State University of New York, USA

K. D. Aleksandrov

Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics,
Saint-Petersburg State University , Russia

V. A. Kostin

Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics,
Saint-Petersburg State University , Russia

N. V. Kuznetsov

Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics,
Saint-Petersburg State University , Russia

G. A. Leonov

Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics,
Saint-Petersburg State University , Russia

V. V. Onossovsky

OOO “Novye Mobilnye Tekhnologii”, Russia

S. M. Seledzhi

Faculty of Mathematics and Mechanics,
Saint-Petersburg State University , Russia


This paper introduces several ideas related to the preparation of developers and users of software products. It outlines commonalities observed in different educational contexts through which a unified strategy in preparing highly technologically qualified workforce of the future can be formulated. The paper argues for the importance of students' field experience and research work facilitated through the use of the administrative flexibility principle and appropriate modification of traditional signature pedagogies.



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